Monday, January 13, 2014

Bandera 50K Trail Run

Finish Strong's Ronnie Delzer, Julio Morales and Minnie Huyn completed the difficult Bandera 50K/25K trail race this past Saturday, January 11.   Ronnie placed 7th overall and 1st in his 30-34 AG at the 50K distance in 4 hours 46 minutes.  Julio enjoyed the 50K distance rather than the 100K and vowed to make it to each aid station within one hour for next year's event.  Minnie had a blast and completed the 25K trail run in 4 hour 12 minutes.

Ronnie reports, "This was a very technical course with 3800' elevation gain and the most challenging race I've ever done.  It did not go as planned as I showed up to the starting line with my chip missing.  I had to go back to my car and then the race organizer's tent to get a new chip.  That resulted in me running an extra 1.5 miles before the race began at an effort that is faster than my race pace.  I missed the start of the race by little over a minute and had to pass everyone to catch up with the lead group before we got on single track trails.  I made it all the way to third overall, unaware at the time, within the first 4-6 miles.  I tried to get into a relaxed pace but I couldn't with the constant elevation changes.  First 13 miles of the race I was above my lactate threshold.  I had to make a decision to either completely burnout (which probably already happened) or focus on finishing the race.  Since this was a one loop course I chose to slow down and make it to the finish line.  Attached some pictures..."

Ronnie Delzer fast on the trail!

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