Monday, June 11, 2012

Sylvan Beach Tri and Du

Finish Strong athletes abounded at the Sylvan Tri/Duathlon on June 9.  Competing in the triathlon were Tommy Sustala, Michael Collins, Kirk Langford, and Charlie Schuber.  Tommy won the master's tri race in a time of 1:36:57!   Both Michael and Charlie took 2nd in their respective AGs in the triathlon.  Michael (photo below) in 1:45:07 in his 40-44 AG. Charlie finished in 2:06:14 in his 55-59 AG.  Kirk finished in 2:22:58 with 4th fastest swim in his 50-54 AG.

In the duathlon, Ronnie Delzer came in 2nd overall and won his 30-34 age group finishing in 1:32:55.  Rip Reynolds came in 4th overall and won his 40-44 age group in 1:35:23.  Wow!  Nicely done.

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